
Testing Hypotheses

Main Pain Points

  1. Automatically track wine purchases
  1. Provide option to sell owned wine
  1. Track estimated price of wine
  1. Allow allocations of future wine
  1. Receive updates on wine

Main Gains/Features for Palate

  1. Ability to sell EP purchases
  1. Ability to purchase future allocations
  1. Hold wine in storage

Main Assumptions

Customer Empathy Map

Key Themes

2 distinct problems

  1. Wine Storage
  1. Wine Technology
    1. automate wine purchase to cellaring
    1. find wine purchase/selling opportunities
    1. Can’t easily track en-primeur wine

Opportunity Mapping

Opportunity 1 - Automate wine purchase to cellaring

Outcome: Users automatically update their wine collection from purchasing to drinking

Opportunity: Purchase to Cellar Tracker Automation



Opportunity 2 - Find wine selling opportunities

Outcome: find/sell current wine

Opportunity: don’t know how to sell my wine



Opportunity 3 - Can’t easily track en-primeur wine purchases





Wine shop/distributor to send you a digital token of the purchase

User Journey Map