Web 3 Primitives for physical goods

Added bySamuel Polgar
Descriptionbusinesses interacting with the blockchain rely on primitives to simplify the interaction process. To create an NFT, developers needed to create a smart contract, upload a file to IPFS or regular storage and mint together. Now, developers can access Web3 API’s like Pinata to easily create NFT Smart Assets will need the same primitives
Value Driverscreate a communityincrease d2c sales
Pain1) needing to re-invent the wheel for every use case 1) needing to learn new technologies for every use case 1) don’t have skills to create smart contracts
Outcome1) developers understand how to
Required capability1) platform with familiar API’s
Year tech started2018
Tech opportunityplatform for facilitating smart assets
put on front pageyes
Blockchain Primitives and their Advantages for Web 3.0 Development | HackerNoon
Learning a new technology can certainly be overwhelming, especially when you're a developer who already has a lot on your plate. But when it comes to looking out for the future of your career, even the busiest of developers should understand how important it is to stay current with the newest developer trends.