User Research
User Questions
- Have you purchased wine futures/en-primeur?
- Tell me about your experience?
- Where you unsure about anything during the process?
Problem Discovery
- Did you have any challenges or surprises during the process? E.g. Purchasing/Waiting/Delivery. Explain them?
- What’s your biggest pain point related to the process?
- What are you currently doing to make it easier?
- What do you think could be improved?
Product Opportunity
- Did you have any difficulty tracking when the wine was available?
- Have you tried any products or tools to help?
- Did you pay for any?
- How did you hear about them?
- What would you want the tool to do?
- Would you want regular updates on when the en-primeur purchase was going to be ready/delivered?
- Would you want updates on information about the purchase e.g. recent ratings, recent trading prices since you purchased?
- How much would you pay for this solution?
Wine Distributor/Wine Seller Questions
- Have you sold wine futures/en-primeur?
- Tell me about your experience?
- Where you unsure about anything during the process?
Problem Discovery
- Did you have any challenges or surprises during the process? E.g. Selling/Waiting/Delivery. Explain them?
- What were your biggest pain point related to the process?
- If so, what kind of workarounds did you use?
- What do you think could be improved?
Product Opportunity
- Did you update your customers on when the wine will be available?
- Did you have any difficulty tracking when the wine was available?
- Do any customers ask you if they had purchased wine from you?
- Do any customers try to sell their en-primeur wine prior to receiving in?
- Has anyone tried to counterfeit their en-primeur purchase? E.g. use someone elses purchase receipt?
- Do you use a solution to manage wine futures/en-primeur?
- How did you hear about them?
- Do you change the price of en-primeur stock based on market value/ratings?
- What do you think could be improved in the wine futures/en-primeur market
Wine Buyer:
Wine Merchant:
Discussing with friends who collect and buy en-primeur, I synthesized
- there isn’t a pain around order en-primeur
- For the majority of cases, people interested in wine aren’t interested in mixing wine and blockchain. They may be interested in the benefits of blockchain but not the blockchain itself

Main Pain Points
- Automatically track wine purchases
- Provide option to sell owned wine
- Track estimated price of wine
- Allow allocations of future wine
- Receive updates on wine
Main Gains/Features for Palate
- Ability to sell EP purchases
- Ability to purchase future allocations
- Hold wine in storage